
154 lines
4.5 KiB

{ pkgs, nixpkgs-latest, lib, config, ... }:
let mod = "Mod4";
cfg = config.custom.gui;
# Generate the workspace keybinds
genWorkspaces = { numbered, named }: with lib; (
let nums = genAttrs (map toString (range 1 (min numbered 9))) id;
genBindings = (num: key: {
"${mod}+${key}" = "workspace ${num}";
"${mod}+Shift+${key}" = "move window to workspace ${num}";
keybinds = mapAttrsToList genBindings (nums // named);
in mkMerge keybinds
sc = with pkgs; (writeScriptBin "sc" ''
${slurp}/bin/slurp | ${grim}/bin/grim -g - - | ${wl-clipboard}/bin/wl-copy -t image/png
vol = ../../../script/vol;
in with lib; {
options.custom.gui.wm = with types; {
workspaces.named = mkOption {
type = attrsOf str;
default = {};
workspaces.numbered = mkOption {
type = int;
default = 8;
config = mkIf (cfg.enable) {
home.packages = with pkgs; [
(writeScriptBin "c" ''
(writeScriptBin "p" ''
services.unclutter.enable = true;
wayland.windowManager.sway = {
# This is all required to get it to not die.
enable = true;
wrapperFeatures.gtk = true;
systemd.enable = true;
extraConfig = ''
bindsym --release ${mod}+d exec ${sc}/bin/sc
exec "${(import nixpkgs-latest {}).google-chrome}/bin/google-chrome-stable --ozone-platform-hint=auto --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder,VaapiVideoEncoder --app=https://calendar.google.com"
config = rec {
output."*".bg = "${../../data/time-warp.jpg} fill";
output."eDP-1".bg = "${../../data/temporal-cleansing.png} fill";
input."type:keyboard".xkb_options = "caps:super";
terminal = "kitty --single-instance";
bars = [];
gaps = {
inner = 4;
outer = 2;
colors = {
focused = rec {
text = "#ffffff";
border = "#7c56c4";
background = border;
childBorder = border;
indicator = border;
# Directional keys
modifier = mod;
fonts = {
names = [ "Fira Code" ];
size = 8.0;
keybindings = let
mpc = "${pkgs.mpc-cli}/bin/mpc";
in mkMerge [
(genWorkspaces { inherit (cfg.wm.workspaces) numbered named; })
"${mod}+h" = "focus left";
"${mod}+j" = "focus down";
"${mod}+k" = "focus up";
"${mod}+l" = "focus right";
"${mod}+semicolon" = "workspace prev_on_output";
"${mod}+apostrophe" = "workspace next_on_output";
"${mod}+Shift+h" = "move left";
"${mod}+Shift+j" = "move down";
"${mod}+Shift+k" = "move up";
"${mod}+Shift+l" = "move right";
"${mod}+a" = "split v";
"${mod}+s" = "split h";
"${mod}+f" = "fullscreen toggle";
"${mod}+Alt+a" = "layout toggle stacking splitv";
"${mod}+Alt+s" = "layout toggle tabbed splith";
"${mod}+Escape" = if config.isNixos then "exec ${pkgs.swaylock}/bin/swaylock" else "exec swaylock";
"${mod}+Space" = "exec pkill -SIGUSR1 waybar";
"${mod}+Return" = "exec ${terminal}";
"${mod}+Alt+Return" = "exec ${pkgs.foot}/bin/foot";
"${mod}+Tab" = "exec ${pkgs.firefox-wayland}/bin/firefox";
"${mod}+Alt+Tab" = "exec ${(import nixpkgs-latest {}).google-chrome}/bin/google-chrome-stable --ozone-platform-hint=auto --enable-features=VaapiVideoDecoder,VaapiVideoEncoder";
"${mod}+Backspace" = "mode kill";
"XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = "exec ${vol} raise";
"XF86AudioLowerVolume" = "exec ${vol} lower";
"XF86AudioMute" = "exec ${vol} toggle";
"XF86AudioPlay" = "exec ${mpc} toggle";
"${mod}+z" = "exec ${vol} lower";
"${mod}+x" = "exec ${vol} raise";
"${mod}+comma" = "exec ${mpc} prev";
"${mod}+period" = "exec ${mpc} next";
"${mod}+slash" = "exec ${mpc} toggle";
modes."kill" = {
Backspace = "kill; mode default";
Escape = "mode default";
window.titlebar = false;