{ pkgs, ... }: { boot.loader = { grub.enable = false; generic-extlinux-compatible.enable = true; }; networking = { hostName = "cherry"; interfaces.eth0.useDHCP = true; }; services.openssh = { enable = true; settings.PasswordAuthentication = false; }; nix = { # TODO: Set up strawberry as a substituter # TODO: Set up nixbuild.net # TODO: Figure out how to make it safe to use other machines as remote # builders. distributedBuilds = false; buildMachines = []; }; documentation.enable = false; fileSystems."/" = { device = "/dev/disk/by-label/NIXOS_SD"; fsType = "ext4"; }; system.stateVersion = "21.11"; boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; # User for running the website service users.users."website" = { isSystemUser = true; group = "website"; }; users.groups."website" = {}; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ vim git ] ++ (import ../../shared/env.nix pkgs); users.users."root" = { # Allow access to this server from all the machines openssh.authorizedKeys.keyFiles = [ ../dev-lt-63/riley.pub ../strawberry/riley.pub ../lime/riley.pub ]; }; }