use std::sync::Arc; use hermit::{ Context, Error, db, sign, Activity, }; use hermit::conf::Config; use tokio::sync::{mpsc, broadcast}; use task::Executor; use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream; /// Module that contains all the API endpoints and frontend pages /// used by Hermit. mod web; #[tokio::main] async fn main () { // Set up the context for each task. let ctx = { // The hostname this server will be hosted under (hardcoded for now) let hostname = ""; // Establish a connection to the database. let client = db::Client::new(db::Config {}).await.unwrap(); // Generate the config from the hostname. let config = Config::new(&hostname); // Use an instance-wide signing key (for now). let signer = sign::Key::load( format!("https://{hostname}/key/main").parse().unwrap(), "private_key.pem" ).map(Arc::new).unwrap(); Context { signer, config, client, } }; let (ap_tx, ap_rx) = mk_channel(256); let (fe_tx, fe_rx) = mk_channel(256); // Initialize the web server. (task::Server { ap_tx, fe_tx, }); let (ctrl_tx, ctrl_rx) = mk_channel(256); let (json_tx, json_rx) = mk_channel(256); // Initialize the API preprocessor. (task::Api { ctrl_tx: ctrl_tx.clone(), json_tx, fe_rx, ap_rx, }); let (auto_tx, auto_rx) = mk_channel(256); // Initialize the task that captures IPC events. (task::Ipc { auto_tx, ctrl_tx, }); // Redefine `ctrl_tx`: it is now the transmitter that transmits // *from* `Ctrl`. let (ctrl_tx, _rx) = broadcast::channel(256); (task::Auto { ctrl_rx: ctrl_tx.subscribe(), auto_rx }); (task::Process { ctrl_rx: ctrl_tx.subscribe(), json_rx, }); (task::Ctrl { rx: ctrl_rx, tx: ctrl_tx, }) } fn mk_channel (size: usize) -> (mpsc::Sender, ReceiverStream) { let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(size); let rx = ReceiverStream::new(rx); (tx, rx) } mod task { //! Async tasks, communicating with each other across threads through generic //! streams and sinks. use std::pin::Pin; use tokio::sync::{ broadcast, mpsc, }; use futures::prelude::*; use serde_json::Value; use crate::{ flow::Flow, ctrl::Message, sign::Sign, Activity, Context, web, }; /// Something that can execute a [`Task`]. pub trait Executor { /// Perform a [`Task`]. fn run (&self, task: impl Task); } /// A computation running indefinitely on a separate thread. pub trait Task { /// The future representing this computation. type Future: Future + Send + 'static; /// Execute the task. fn run (self, ctx: Context) -> Self::Future where S: Sign + Send + Sync + 'static; } impl Executor for Context where S: Sign + Send + Sync + 'static { fn run (&self, task: impl Task) { let ctx: Context = self.clone(); tokio::spawn(; } } /// The main web server. pub struct Server { /// Transmitter for messages from the ActivityPub APIs. pub ap_tx: mpsc::Sender, /// Transmitter for messages from the frontend APIs. pub fe_tx: mpsc::Sender, } impl Task for Server { type Future = Pin + Send + 'static>>; fn run (self, ctx: Context) -> Self::Future where S: Sign + Send + Sync + 'static { use axum::Server; let Self { ap_tx, fe_tx } = self; let config = ctx.config; Box::pin(async move { let port = config.port; let addr = &format!("{port}").parse().unwrap(); // Both the endpoints and the frontend (if enabled) are defined in // the `web` module. let service = web::service(config, ap_tx, fe_tx).into_make_service(); Server::bind(addr) .serve(service) .await .unwrap() }) } } /// API request event processing. pub struct Api { /// Input stream of API request events from the frontend endpoints. pub fe_rx: F, /// Input stream of API request events from the ActivityPub /// endpoints. pub ap_rx: A, /// Output stream to the [`Ctrl`] task. pub ctrl_tx: mpsc::Sender, /// Output stream to the [Activity processor pipeline][Process]. pub json_tx: mpsc::Sender>, } impl Task for Api where F: Stream + Unpin + Send + 'static, A: Stream + Unpin + Send + 'static, { type Future = Pin + Send + 'static>>; fn run (self, _: Context) -> Self::Future where S: Sign + Send + Sync + 'static { todo!() } } /// Processes CLI commands and sends them to either the [`Auto`] task (which /// takes care of scheduling automated maintenance tasks) or the [`Ctrl`] task, /// which propagates control messages through the system, like live config /// updates or shutdown messages for example. pub struct Ipc { /// Output stream to the [`Auto`] task. pub auto_tx: mpsc::Sender<()>, /// Output stream to the [`Ctrl`] task. pub ctrl_tx: mpsc::Sender, } impl Task for Ipc { type Future = Pin + Send + 'static>>; fn run (self, _: Context) -> Self::Future where S: Sign + Send + Sync + 'static { todo!() } } /// Delivers control messages to other running tasks. pub struct Ctrl { /// Message stream from the [`Api`] task. pub rx: I, /// Fan-out to all running tasks that are subscribed to [control messages][Ctrl]. pub tx: broadcast::Sender, } impl Task for Ctrl { type Future = Pin + Send + 'static>>; fn run (self, _: Context) -> Self::Future where S: Sign + Send + Sync + 'static { todo!() } } /// Performs automated maintenance tasks. pub struct Auto { /// Receiver for manual job triggers received from the [`Ipc`] task. pub auto_rx: E, /// Receiver for [control messages][Ctrl]. pub ctrl_rx: broadcast::Receiver, } impl Task for Auto { type Future = Pin + Send + 'static>>; fn run (self, _: Context) -> Self::Future where S: Sign + Send + Sync + 'static { todo!() } } /// Processes incoming [`Activity`] objects. pub struct Process { pub json_rx: J, /// Receiver for [control messages][Ctrl]. pub ctrl_rx: broadcast::Receiver, } impl Task for Process where J: Stream> + Unpin + Send + 'static, { type Future = Pin + Send + 'static>>; fn run (self, mut ctx: Context) -> Self::Future where S: Sign + Send + Sync + 'static { let Self { mut json_rx, mut ctrl_rx } = self; Box::pin(async move { loop { tokio::select! { // Await control commands from `Ctrl`. Ok (message) = ctrl_rx.recv() => match message { // Live config reloading. Message::Reconfigure (c) => c(&mut ctx.config), // Graceful termination command from `Ctrl`. Message::Terminate => break, }, // Listen for incoming activities. Some (data) = => { // Dereferencing and other unfucking. let data = match data.apply(|j| ctx.dereference(j)).await { Ok (data) => data, Err (err) => { // If dereferencing fails, that sucks but it's not // fatal, so we drop the activity entirely. println!("Fixup | Dropped due to '{:?}'", err); continue }, }; // Run both incoming and outgoing activities through the filtering system. let action = |act| ctx.config.rules.iter().try_fold(act, |a, r| r.apply(a)); let data = match { // Activity survived the filtering process, bind it to `data`. Some (data) => data, // Activity got filtered out, move on. None => continue, }; // Perform each activity in the context of the instance. if let Err (err) = data.clone().apply(|a| a.perform(&mut ctx)).await { // Something went wrong while performing the activity, // report error and move on. println!("Exec | Failure '{:?}'", err); continue }; // Push each activity to an appropriate location. // If incoming: push a notification to the frontend. let incoming = { move |_: Activity| async { todo!() } }; // If outgoing: deliver the activity to its targets using // the ActivityPub delivery mechanism. let outgoing = { let s = ctx.signer(); move |a: Activity| a.deliver(s) }; // Apply the appropriate functions to "push" the activity. if let Err (err) = data.pick(incoming, outgoing).await { // Neither of these failing should be considered // fatal, but if it happens too much, it could be // an indication of something being borked. println!("Push | Failure '{:?}'", err); continue }; }, } } }) } } } pub mod flow { //! Functional control flow based on the source and destination //! of a message flowing through the system. use std::future::Future; /// A wrapper type that annotates a message with the flow it is /// supposed to take, without allowing that flow to be inspected /// or modified. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Flow { flow: Direction, data: T, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum Direction { Incoming, Outgoing, } impl Flow { #[allow(non_snake_case)] /// Make the data take the "incoming" flow. pub fn Incoming (data: T) -> Flow { Flow { data, flow: Direction::Incoming } } #[allow(non_snake_case)] /// Make the data take the "outbound" flow. pub fn Outgoing (data: T) -> Flow { Flow { data, flow: Direction::Outgoing } } /// Apply a function `f` to the value inside, without disturbing /// the flow direction. pub async fn apply (self, f: F) -> Result, E> where A: Future>, F: FnOnce (T) -> A, { let Flow { data, flow } = self; Ok (Flow { data: f(data).await?, flow, }) } /// If the message is taking the incoming flow, apply `f`, if it is taking the /// outgoing flow, apply `g`. pub async fn pick (self, f: F, g: G) -> Result, E> where A: Future>, B: Future>, F: FnOnce (T) -> A, G: FnOnce (T) -> B, { match self.flow { Direction::Incoming => self.apply(f).await, Direction::Outgoing => self.apply(g).await, } } /// Map over the contained value. pub fn map (self, f: F) -> Flow where F: FnOnce (T) -> U, { Flow { data: f(, flow: self.flow, } } } impl Flow> { /// Swap the containers. pub fn to_option (self) -> Option> { let Flow { flow, data } = self;|data| Flow { flow, data, }) } } impl Flow> { /// Swap the containers. pub fn to_result (self) -> Result, E> { let Flow { flow, data } = self;|data| Flow { flow, data, }) } } } /// Control messages. pub mod ctrl { use std::sync::Arc; use hermit::conf::Config; #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Message { /// Modify the existing configuration of each task. Reconfigure (Arc>), /// Shut down everything. Terminate, } }