This commit is contained in:
Riley Apeldoorn 2022-05-16 17:44:49 +02:00
parent 8af394d0bd
commit b313f64189
6 changed files with 259 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ let inherit (builtins) mapAttrs map; in rec {
}; };
green = { green = {
bright = "29f26c";
normal = "8aff80"; normal = "8aff80";
bright = "29f26c";
pastel = ""; pastel = "";
}; };
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ let inherit (builtins) mapAttrs map; in rec {
}; };
purple = { purple = {
normal = "bd78fa"; normal = "b58aff";
bright = "c97ffa"; bright = "c97ffa";
pastel = "d9b5ff"; pastel = "d9b5ff";
}; };
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ let inherit (builtins) mapAttrs map; in rec {
}; };
pink = { pink = {
normal = "f74ddb"; normal = "ee8fff";
bright = "ff63e5"; bright = "ff63e5";
pastel = "ff96e3"; pastel = "ff96e3";
}; };

View File

@ -17,5 +17,11 @@ pkgs.writeTextFile (rec {
face global meta rgb:${green.bright} face global meta rgb:${green.bright}
face global type rgb:${blue.bright} face global type rgb:${blue.bright}
face global LineNumbers rgb:${background.slight}
face global BufferPadding rgb:${background.slight}
face global LineNumberCursor rgb:${foreground.primary}
face global crosshairs_line "default,rgb:${background.normal}"
face global MenuForeground "default,rgb:${blue.normal}"
face global MenuBackground "default,rgb:313131"
''; '';
}) })

View File

@ -140,14 +140,15 @@ in with lib; {
kak.enable = (mkEnableOption "kakoune editor") // { default = true; }; kak.enable = (mkEnableOption "kakoune editor") // { default = true; };
kak.ide = (mkEnableOption "kakoune with ide plugins") // { default = false; };
kak.rust = mkEnableOption "Rust support in Kakoune"; kak.rust = mkEnableOption "Rust support in Kakoune";
kak.ts = mkEnableOption "TypeScript support in Kakoune";
kak.haskell = mkEnableOption "Haskell support in Kakoune"; kak.haskell = mkEnableOption "Haskell support in Kakoune";
kak.python = mkEnableOption "Python 3.9 support in Kakoune";
kak.nix = (mkEnableOption "Nix support in Kakoune") // { default = true; };
}; };
config = mkIf (config.editor.kak.enable || config.editor.kak.ide) { config = mkIf (config.editor.kak.enable) {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
(pkgs.kakoune.override { (pkgs.kakoune.override {

modules/kak/kak-lsp.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
# Feature flags
typescript ? false,
haskell ? false,
python ? false,
rust ? false,
nix ? true,
# Build context
with lib;
with pkgs;
let semantic-tokens =
let mk = (name: value: ''
token = "${name}"
face = "${value}"
''); in concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList mk {
"enumMember" = "variant";
"enum" = "enum";
"union" = "union";
"struct" = "struct";
"typeAlias" = "alias";
"builtinType" = "primitive";
"trait" = "trait";
"interface" = "trait";
"method" = "method";
"function" = "function";
"namespace" = "module";
"boolean" = "literal";
"character" = "literal";
"number" = "literal";
"string" = "string";
"keyword" = "keyword";
"documentation" = "comment";
"comment" = "comment";
"escapeSequence" = "format";
"formatSpecifier" = "format";
"operator" = "operator";
"arithmetic" = "operator";
"bitwise" = "operator";
"comparison" = "operator";
"logical" = "operator";
"macro" = "macro";
"lifetime" = "lifetime";
"variable" = "variable";
"attribute" = "attribute";
"punctuation" = "punctuation";
kak-lsp-config-text =
(optionalString (rust || haskell) semantic-tokens)
++ (optionalString rust ''
filetypes = [ "rust" ]
roots = [ "Cargo.toml" ]
command = "rust-analyzer"
semanticTokens = true
diagnostics.enabled = [ "unresolved-proc-macro" ]
cargo.loadOutDirsFromCheck = true
procMacro.enable = false
++ (optionalString nix ''
filetypes = [ "nix" ]
roots = [ "flake.nix", "shell.nix", ".git", ".hg" ]
command = "rnix-lsp"
++ (optionalString haskell ''
filetypes = [ "haskell" ]
roots = [ "Setup.hs", "stack.yaml", "*.cabal" ]
command = "haskell-language-server-wrapper"
args = [ "--lsp" ]
++ (optionalString python ''
filetypes = [ "python" ]
roots = [ "", ".git", ".hg" ]
command = "pylsp"
++ (optionalString typescript ''
filetypes = ["typescript", "javascript"]
roots = ["package.json"]
command = "rslint-lsp"
kak-lsp-config = (pkgs.writeTextFile (rec {
name = "kak-lsp.toml";
destination = "/share/kak-lsp/${name}";
text = kak-lsp-config-text;
in (symlinkJoin {
paths = with kakounePlugins; [
# The language server client
# Overwrite kak-lsp.toml
] ++ (optional nix rnix-lsp)
++ (optional typescript rslint)
++ (optional haskell haskell-language-server)
++ (optional python python39Packages.python-lsp-server)
++ (optional rust rust-analyzer);
name = "kak-lsp-${kak-lsp.version}";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
postBuild = ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/kak-lsp --add-flags "--config $out/share/kak-lsp/kak-lsp.toml"

View File

@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
# outside of the package # outside of the package
extraPlugins ? [], extraPlugins ? [],
# Plugins
# Color theme # Color theme
theme, theme,
@ -56,7 +59,7 @@ in (pkgs.kakoune.override {
kakrc kakrc
# Plugins # Plugins
crosshairs kak-crosshairs
] ++ extraPlugins; ] ++ extraPlugins;
}) })

View File

@ -16,53 +16,149 @@
lib, lib,
}: }:
# If any of the language features are enabled, enable the
# extra language server-related keybinds and options. let keybinds = ''
let ide = typescript || haskell || python || rust || nix; map global insert <a-tab> <esc>:buffer-next<ret>
map global normal <a-tab> :buffer-next<ret>
# Generic keybinds # Initialization code for IDE mode needed for every supported
keybinds = '' # language.
ide-init = ''
eval %sh{ kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session }
# Implies `ide-init`. Adds inlay diagnostics support, code actions
# and hover.
ide-core = ''
lsp-inlay-diagnostics-enable window
hook window ModeChange .*:.*:insert %{
remove-highlighter window/lsp_diagnostics
hook window ModeChange .*:insert:normal %{
lsp-inlay-diagnostics-enable window
map buffer normal <tab> ': lsp-code-actions<ret>'
map buffer normal <ret> ': lsp-hover<ret>'
''; '';
# IDE mode enables the language server protocol client # Implies `ide-core`, which implies `ide-init`.
# and adds keybinds for lsp-hover and lsp-code-actions. ide-full = ''
# If `rust` is enabled, lsp-semantic-tokens is also used.
ide-config = (lib.optionalString ide '' ${ide-core}
hook window -group semtok BufReload .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semtok NormalIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semtok InsertIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{
remove-hooks window semtok
map global normal <a-down> ': lsp-next-function<ret>'
map global normal <a-up> ': lsp-previous-function<ret>'
map global normal <a-left> ': lsp-previous-location *goto*<ret>'
map global normal <a-right> ': lsp-next-location *goto*<ret>'
''; in
# Nix hacking-related configuration. Nix has a very weak language
# server, and it basically only supports `ide-init` (for completions).
let nix-config = (lib.optionalString nix ''
hook global WinSetOption filetype=nix %{
''); '');
# Sometimes work requires me to touch the frontend. Ew # Sometimes work requires me to touch the frontend. Ew. `ide-core`
typescript-config = (lib.optionalString typescript '' # suffices here.
typescript-config = (lib.optionalString typescript ''
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(javascript|typescript) %{
''); '');
# Haskell development # Python-related config. Python does not support more features than
haskell-config = (lib.optionalString haskell '' # those in `ide-core`.
# Python-related config
python-config = (lib.optionalString python '' python-config = (lib.optionalString python ''
hook global WinSetOption filetype=python %{
face window keyword rgb:${green.bright}
face window meta keyword
''); '');
# Rust development # Haskell development. Haskell has a language server with
# the features in `ide-full`.
haskell-config = (lib.optionalString haskell ''
hook global WinSetOption filetype=haskell %{
set-option buffer tabstop 2
face global variable rgb:${purple.normal}
face global attribute keyword
face global operator keyword
face global keyword rgb:${blue.bright}
face global value string
face global meta rgb:${pink.normal}
# Rust development. Rust's language servers all support the
# `ide-full` features.
rust-config = (lib.optionalString rust '' rust-config = (lib.optionalString rust ''
hook global WinSetOption filetype=rust %{
hook global -group yeet ModuleLoaded rust %{
# Override the Rust highlighting with semantic
# tokens supplied by the LSP client
remove-hooks global rust-highlight
remove-highlighter shared/rust
# Request tokens
# Self-destruct this hook (it should only run once)
remove-hooks global yeet
''); '');
# Nix hacking-related configuration
nix-config = (lib.optionalString nix ''
in pkgs.writeTextFile (rec { in pkgs.writeTextFile (rec {
name = "kakrc.kak"; name = "kakrc.kak";
destination = "/share/kak/autoload/${name}"; destination = "/share/kak/autoload/${name}";
text = with theme; '' text = with theme; ''
add-highlighter global/ number-lines -separator ' ' -hlcursor
set global tabstop 4
face global InlayHint rgb:828282
face global InlayDiagnosticWarning rgb:a39e31+f
face global InlayDiagnosticError rgb:ad494f+f
face global InlayDiagnosticHint rgb:4d965a+f
face global InlayDiagnosticInfo rgb:4d965a+f
'' ++ keybinds '' ++ keybinds
++ typescript-config ++ typescript-config
++ haskell-config ++ haskell-config