This commit is contained in:
Riley Apeldoorn 2022-05-16 17:59:44 +02:00
parent a646e3e016
commit 55a7cb8b00
6 changed files with 0 additions and 202 deletions

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# Haskell text faces and other stuff related to syntax highlighting
# for Haskell in Kakoune, because I prefer different color arrangements
# per language.
{ theme, pkgs, ... }: pkgs.writeTextFile (rec {
name = "common.kak";
destination = "/share/kak/colors/${name}";
text = with theme; ''
face global value rgb:${yellow.bright}
face global string rgb:${green.normal}
face global variable +a
face global module rgb:${green.normal}
face global operator rgb:${cyan.bright}
face global type rgb:${yellow.normal}
face global function rgb:${cyan.bright}
face global keyword rgb:${blue.normal}+b
face global builtin +b

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# Import syntax themes
{ lib, theme, pkgs, ... }: [
(import ./haskell.nix { inherit lib theme pkgs; })
(import ./rust.nix { inherit lib theme pkgs; })
(import ./nix.nix { inherit lib theme pkgs; })
(import ./common.nix { inherit lib theme pkgs; })

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
# Haskell text faces and other stuff related to syntax highlighting
# for Haskell in Kakoune, because I prefer different color arrangements
# per language.
{ theme, pkgs, ... }: pkgs.writeTextFile (rec {
name = "haskell.kak";
destination = "/share/kak/colors/${name}";
text = with theme; ''
face global value rgb:${green.bright}
face global string rgb:${green.bright}
face global variable +b
face global module rgb:${green.normal}
face global meta rgb:${misc.lime}
face global operator rgb:${cyan.bright}
face global type rgb:${yellow.normal}
face global function rgb:${cyan.bright}
face global attribute rgb:${blue.normal}
face global keyword rgb:${blue.normal}
face global builtin +b

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# Haskell text faces and other stuff related to syntax highlighting
# for Haskell in Kakoune, because I prefer different color arrangements
# per language.
{ theme, pkgs, ... }: pkgs.writeTextFile (rec {
name = "nix.kak";
destination = "/share/kak/colors/${name}";
text = with theme; ''
add-highlighter buffer/ regex '\b\s*(=)' 1:operator
face global string rgb:${green.normal}
face global operator rgb:${yellow.bright}+b
face global keyword rgb:${blue.normal}+b
face global meta rgb:${purple.bright}
face global builtin rgb:${blue.bright}+b

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# Haskell text faces and other stuff related to syntax highlighting
# for Haskell in Kakoune, because I prefer different color arrangements
# per language.
{ theme, pkgs, ... }: pkgs.writeTextFile (rec {
name = "rust.kak";
destination = "/share/kak/colors/${name}";
text = with theme; ''
# Types
face global variant rgb:${blue.normal}+b
face global enum rgb:${blue.normal}+b
face global struct rgb:${blue.normal}+b
face global alias rgb:${blue.normal}+b
face global primitive rgb:${blue.normal}+b
face global union rgb:${blue.normal}+b
face global trait rgb:${purple.bright}+b
# Other Rust-specific syntax elements
face global lifetime rgb:${cyan.bright}
face global macro rgb:${green.bright}+b
face global format macro
# Keywords
face global keyword rgb:${green.normal}
# Literals
face global literal rgb:${misc.lime}
face global string literal
# Items
# face global function rgb:ff70cd
face global function rgb:fc7cf8
face global method function
face global module rgb:${misc.blueGrey}
# Other stuff
face global attribute comment
face global variable rgb:f5f5f5
face global property rgb:${misc.lime}
face global operator rgb:${yellow.normal}
face global punctuation rgb:${foreground.normal}

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: with pkgs;
let lsp-config = (writeTextFile (rec {
name = "kak-lsp.toml";
destination = "/share/kak-lsp/${name}";
text = let semTok = (name: value: ''
token = "${name}"
face = "${value}"
''); in ''
filetypes = [ "rust" ]
roots = [ "Cargo.toml" ]
command = "rust-analyzer"
semanticTokens = true
diagnostics.enabled = [ "unresolved-proc-macro" ]
cargo.loadOutDirsFromCheck = true
procMacro.enable = false
filetypes = [ "haskell" ]
roots = [ "Setup.hs", "stack.yaml", "*.cabal" ]
command = "haskell-language-server-wrapper"
args = [ "--lsp" ]
filetypes = [ "nix" ]
roots = [ "flake.nix", "shell.nix", ".git", ".hg" ]
command = "rnix-lsp"
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList semTok {
"enumMember" = "variant";
"enum" = "enum";
"union" = "union";
"struct" = "struct";
"typeAlias" = "alias";
"builtinType" = "primitive";
"trait" = "trait";
"interface" = "trait";
"method" = "method";
"function" = "function";
"namespace" = "module";
"boolean" = "literal";
"character" = "literal";
"number" = "literal";
"string" = "string";
"keyword" = "keyword";
"documentation" = "comment";
"comment" = "comment";
"escapeSequence" = "format";
"formatSpecifier" = "format";
"operator" = "operator";
"arithmetic" = "operator";
"bitwise" = "operator";
"comparison" = "operator";
"logical" = "operator";
"macro" = "macro";
"lifetime" = "lifetime";
"variable" = "variable";
"attribute" = "attribute";
"punctuation" = "punctuation";
}) }
in [
# Kakoune language server support
(symlinkJoin {
paths = with kakounePlugins; [
# The language server client
# Include default language servers
# Overwrite kak-lsp.toml
name = "kak-lsp-${kak-lsp.version}";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
postBuild = ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/kak-lsp --add-flags "--config $out/share/kak-lsp/kak-lsp.toml"