
195 lines
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2022-01-10 09:53:42 +01:00
{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
let theme = (import ./colors.nix)."dark";
hex = (c: "#${c}");
# Keybinds that launch an application.
launchers = ({ browser }: mod: {
"${mod}+Tab" = "exec ${browser}";
# Keybinds generated from a set of workspaces.
workspace = ({ numbered ? 0, named ? {} }: mod: with lib;
let nums = genAttrs (map toString (range 1 numbered)) id;
workspaces = named // nums;
genBinds = (n: k: {
# Focus the workspace
"${mod}+${k}" = "workspace ${n}";
# Move a window to the workspace
"${mod}+Shift+${k}" = "move window to workspace ${n}";
keybinds = mapAttrsToList genBinds workspaces; in
mkMerge (keybinds)
# Layout manipulation keybinds.
layout = (mod: {
"${mod}+A" = "split v";
"${mod}+S" = "split h";
"${mod}+F" = "fullscreen toggle";
# Directional keys are used for basic navigation.
directional = ({ left, right, up, down }: mod: {
# Change window focus
"${mod}+${left}" = "focus left";
"${mod}+${down}" = "focus down";
"${mod}+${up}" = "focus up";
"${mod}+${right}" = "focus right";
# Move windows
"${mod}+Shift+${left}" = "move left";
"${mod}+Shift+${down}" = "move down";
"${mod}+Shift+${up}" = "move up";
"${mod}+Shift+${right}" = "move right";
# Media controls.
media = ({ mpc ? null }: mod:
if (mpc != null)
then (let cmd = "${mpc}/bin/${mpc.pname}"; in {
"${mod}+comma" = "exec ${cmd} prev";
"${mod}+period" = "exec ${cmd} next";
"${mod}+slash" = "exec ${cmd} toggle";
else {}
# Utility scripts and such.
scripts = (mod: {}); in
services.xserver = {
enable = true;
windowManager.i3 = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.i3; #-gaps;
home-manager.users."riley" =
let browser =;
term = pkgs.alacritty; in
home.packages = with pkgs; [
# Paste from clipboard
(writeShellApplication {
name = "xc.p";
runtimeInputs = [ xclip ];
text = "xclip -sel clip -o";
# Copy to clipboard
(writeShellApplication {
name = "xc.c";
runtimeInputs = [ xclip ];
text = "xclip -sel clip -i";
# Copy to clipboard with given mime type
(writeShellApplication {
name = "xc.t";
runtimeInputs = [ xclip ];
text = "xclip -sel clip -t \"$1\" -i";
] ++ [
xsession.windowManager.i3 = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.i3;
config = with lib; (rec {
modifier = "Mod4";
terminal = "${term}/bin/${term.pname}";
# Apply the modifier key to each of the keybinding generator functions
# and merge the resulting sets.
keybindings = let mod = modifier; in mkMerge (map (f: f (mod)) [
(mod: {
"${mod}+Return" = "exec ${terminal}";
"${mod}+BackSpace" = "kill";
(directional {
left = "H";
right = "L";
down = "J";
up = "K";
(workspace {
numbered = 5;
named = {
"dev" = "0";
"doc" = "minus";
"net" = "equal";
(launchers {
browser = "google-chrome-stable";
(media {
mpc = pkgs.mpc_cli;
colors = {
focused = rec {
background = hex (theme.background.normal);
text = hex (theme."red".bright);
border = background;
childBorder = border;
indicator = border;
unfocused = rec {
background = hex (theme.background.normal);
text = hex (theme.foreground.slight);
border = background;
childBorder = border;
indicator = border;
focusedInactive = colors.unfocused;
window = {
border = 2;
commands = [
{ command = "border pixel 2"; criteria = { class = ".*"; }; }
fonts = {
names = [ "Source Sans 3" ];
style = "Semibold";
size = 10.0;