Refactored day 4 solution

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Riley Apeldoorn 2021-12-04 12:52:39 +01:00
parent 2cdc0878a2
commit db59bb39be
1 changed files with 40 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Data.List
import Debug.Trace
@ -8,67 +9,54 @@ type Input = ([Int], [Board])
parse :: [String] -> Input
parse (l : ls) = (n, b)
n = map read (words [ if c == ',' then ' ' else c | c <- l ])
b = parseBoards (filter (/= "") ls)
solve :: Input -> (Int, Int)
solve input = (f input, g input)
where f = uncurry winBingo
g = uncurry loseBingo
where n = map read $ words [ if c == ',' then ' ' else c | c <- l ]
b = parseBoards (filter (/= "") ls)
parseBoards :: [String] -> [Board]
parseBoards [] = []
parseBoards list = Board (map (map (Unmarked . read) . words) a) : parseBoards b
(a, b) = splitAt 5 list
parseBoards [] = []
parseBoards l = parse a : parseBoards b
where (a,b) = splitAt 5 l
parse = map $ map (Unmarked . read) . words
newtype Board = Board [[Cell]]
type Board = [[Cell]]
rows :: Board -> [[Cell]]
rows = id
cols :: Board -> [[Cell]]
cols = transpose
hasWon :: Board -> Bool
hasWon b = check (rows b) || check (cols b)
where check = any $ all marked
score :: Int -> Board -> Int
score n b = n * sum [ x | c <- b, Unmarked x <- c ]
call :: Int -> Board -> Board
call n = map (map mark)
where mark (Unmarked x) | x == n = Marked x
mark x = x
data Cell = Unmarked Int
| Marked Int
hasWon :: Board -> Bool
hasWon (Board b) = completed b || completed (transpose b)
completed = any (all isMarked)
marked :: Cell -> Bool
marked (Marked _) = True
marked _ = False
isMarked :: Cell -> Bool
isMarked (Marked _) = True
isMarked _ = False
solve :: Input -> (Int, Int)
solve input = (f input, g input)
where wins extr (n,b) = uncurry score $ extr $ bingo n b
f = wins head
g = wins last
winBingo :: [Int] -> [Board] -> Int
winBingo (n : ns) (b : bs) =
if any hasWon r
then score n $ head (filter hasWon r)
else winBingo ns r
r = iter n (b : bs)
loseBingo :: [Int] -> [Board] -> Int
loseBingo (n : ns) [board]
| hasWon b = score n b
| otherwise = loseBingo ns [b]
[b] = iter n [board]
loseBingo (n : ns) (b : bs) =
loseBingo ns (filter (not . hasWon) r)
r = iter n (b : bs)
bingo :: [Int] -> [Board] -> [(Int, Board)]
bingo _ [] = []
bingo (n : ns) (b : bs) = map (n,) w ++ bingo ns l
where (w,l) = partition hasWon r
r = iter n (b : bs)
iter :: Int -> [Board] -> [Board]
iter n (b : bs) = callNumber n b : iter n bs
iter _ [] = []
callNumber :: Int -> Board -> Board
callNumber n (Board b) = Board (map (map mark) b)
mark (Unmarked x) | x == n = Marked x
mark v = v
score :: Int -> Board -> Int
score n (Board b) = n * sum [ x | c <- b, Unmarked x <- c ]
iter n (b : bs) = call n b : iter n bs