Day 5: It's Finally Fast ™

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Riley Apeldoorn 2021-12-10 22:18:58 +01:00
parent 4ffd27205d
commit 9ca0d11cb6
1 changed files with 26 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -1,78 +1,38 @@
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Char (isDigit)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "5/example.txt"
let x = parse $ lines input
main = do
input <- readFile "5/riley.txt"
let x = parse <$> lines input
print $ f x
print $ g x
f = length . nub . solve . filter (not . diagonal)
g = length . nub . solve
f = solve . filter (not . diagonal)
g = solve
parse :: [String] -> [(Point,Point)]
parse = map (parseLine . words)
-- | Extract all the numbers from the given string
parse :: String -> [Int]
parse = map read . wordsBy (not . isDigit)
parseLine :: [String] -> (Point,Point)
parseLine [ s, "->", e ] = (a, b)
where a = parseCoord s
b = parseCoord e
-- | Determine if the given line is diagonal.
diagonal :: [Int] -> Bool
diagonal [ x1, y1, x2, y2 ] = x1 /= x2 && y1 /= y2
toRange :: (Point,Point) -> [Point]
toRange (a @ (xa,ya), b @ (xb,yb))
| diagonal (a,b) = makeDiagonal a b
| otherwise = [ (x,y) | x <- [ x1 .. x2 ], y <- [ y1 .. y2 ] ]
x1 = min xa xb
x2 = max xa xb
y1 = min ya yb
y2 = max ya yb
solve :: [[Int]] -> Int
solve = length . filter ((>= 2) . length) . group . sort . (>>= range)
parseCoord :: String -> (Int,Int)
parseCoord l = (head n, last n)
n = map read . wordsBy (== ',') $ l
solve :: [(Point, Point)] -> [Point]
solve [_] = []
solve (p:ps) = overlapping' p ps ++ solve ps
overlapping' :: (Point, Point) -> [(Point, Point)] -> [Point]
overlapping' _ [] = []
overlapping' p1 (p2:ps) = overlap p1 p2 ++ overlapping' p1 ps
diagonal :: (Point,Point) -> Bool
diagonal (a,b) = xof a /= xof b && yof a /= yof b
type Point = (Int,Int)
xof :: Point -> Int
xof = fst
yof :: Point -> Int
yof = snd
overlap :: (Point,Point) -> (Point,Point) -> [Point]
overlap a @ (sa,ea) b @ (sb,eb)
| x && y = toRange a `intersect` toRange b
| otherwise = []
x = xof sa >= xof sb || xof sa <= xof sb
y = yof sa >= yof sb || yof sa <= yof sb
makeDiagonal :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
makeDiagonal (a, b) (c, d)
| (a > c && b > d) || (a < c && b < d) =
let x1 = min a c
x2 = max a c
y1 = min b d
in [(x1 + i, y1 + i) | i <- [0..(x2 - x1)]]
| otherwise =
let x1 = min a c
x2 = max a c
y1 = max b d
in [(x1 + i, y1 - i) | i <- [0..(x2 - x1)]]
-- | Transform a line to a list of points on that line.
range :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
range [ x1, y1, x2, y2 ]
| x1 == x2 = [ (x1,y) | y <- ys ]
| y1 == y2 = [ (x,y1) | x <- xs ]
| otherwise = zip xs ys
where xs = gen x1 x2
ys = gen y1 y2
-- | Generate a list of numbers from `a` to `b`.
gen :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
gen a b | a > b = [ b .. a ]
| otherwise = reverse [ a .. b ]