#!/usr/bin/env bash regex='m/\-\ (http(s|)\:\/\/([\w_-]+[\w.,^#@%?+&\/_-]*))/; print $1' alias='/home/riley/.config/entile/alias.conf' browser='chromium' if [[ "$@" =~ ^-[h?]$ ]] || [[ "$1" = "" ]] then echo "urlapp - open url as google chrome app" echo "" echo "Usage: urlapp [-u|-i] -c|-t|url" echo -e " -c\tClose focused chrome tab and reopen it as a chrome app" echo -e " -u\tOpen only if no other windows with that name exist, otherwise focus that window" echo -e " -i\tOpen in incognito" echo "" echo "Dependencies: xdotool, chromium, i3-wm, perl" exit 0 fi if [[ "$@" =~ -\w*t\w* ]] then url=$(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowname | perl -nle "$regex") elif [[ "$@" =~ -\w*c\w* ]] then url=$(xclip -o -clip) else arg=${*: -1} maybe_alias=$(cat $alias | grep "$arg" | cut -d ' ' -f 2) [ ! -z "$tmp" ] && url=$maybe_alias || url=$arg fi if [[ "$@" =~ -\w*u\w* ]] && [[ "$(xdotool search $url)" ]] then i3-msg [id="$(xdotool search $url | head -n 1)"] focus else if [[ "$@" =~ -\w*n\w* ]] then browser='chromium --incognito' fi url=$(echo "$url" | rg .*:// || echo "https://""$url") $browser --app="$url" & fi