import json from collections import defaultdict print("package properties") print("// This code has been generated with the script. Do not modify\n\n") print("import \"bufio\"") print("import \"io\"") print("import . \"\"") TYPE_TO_GOTYPE = { "Byte": "byte", "Two Byte Integer": "uint16", "Four Byte Integer": "uint32", "Binary Data": "[]byte", "UTF-8 Encoded String": "string", "Variable Byte Integer": "uint32", } TYPE_DECODE_CODE = { "Byte": "val, err := r.ReadByte()", "Two Byte Integer": "val, err := DecodeUint16(r)", "Four Byte Integer": "val, err := DecodeUint32(r)", "Binary Data": "val, err := DecodeBinaryData(r)", "UTF-8 Encoded String": "val, err := DecodeUTF8String(r)", "Variable Byte Integer": "val, err := DecodeVariableByteInt(r)" } TYPE_WRITE_CODE = { "Byte": "(func () error {_, err := w.Write([]byte{*p.Value}); return err})()", "Two Byte Integer": "WriteUint16(w, *p.Value)", "Four Byte Integer": "WriteUint32(w, *p.Value)", "Binary Data": "WriteBinaryData(w, *p.Value)", "UTF-8 Encoded String": "WriteUTF8String(w, *p.Value)", "Variable Byte Integer": "WriteVariableByteInt(w, *p.Value)" } applicationToProp = defaultdict(lambda: []) with open("./properties.json") as f: properties = json.load(f) for prop in properties: prop["name"] = "".join(prop["name"].split(" ")) for prop in properties: for application in prop["appliesTo"]: applicationToProp[application].append(prop) val = prop["val"] name= prop["name"] if val == "38": #needs manual handling continue gotype = TYPE_TO_GOTYPE[prop["type"]] godecode = TYPE_DECODE_CODE[prop["type"]] gowrite = TYPE_WRITE_CODE[prop["type"]] print(""" type {name} struct {{ Value *{gotype} }} func (p {name}) id() int {{ return {val} }} func (p *{name}) parse(r *bufio.Reader) error {{ {godecode} if err != nil {{ return err }} p.Value = &val return nil }} func (p {name}) hasValue() bool {{ return p.Value != nil }} func (p {name}) write(w io.Writer) error {{ return {gowrite} }} """.format(name= name, gotype = gotype, gowrite = gowrite, godecode = godecode, val = val )) for k,v in applicationToProp.items(): if k == "Will Properties": arrName = "WillProperties" else: arrName = k.lower().capitalize() + "PacketProperties" print("type", arrName, "struct {") for prop in v: print(prop["name"], prop["name"]) print("}") print(f"func (p *{arrName}) ArrayOf() []Property {{") print("return []Property {") for prop in v: propName = prop["name"] print(f"&p.{propName},") print("}") print("}")