----- BEGIN CREV PROOF ----- kind: package review version: -1 date: "2022-08-13T14:32:36.880797941+02:00" from: id-type: crev id: 8EaNBu9GbXZW6ZId0OXOixB2E8XlTuz-VpoCezUhlto url: "https://im.badat.dev/bad/crev-proofs.git" package: source: "https://crates.io" name: ident_case version: 1.0.1 revision: bf0d863e3006b40a0d923a81d7b2dd2db1136c2c digest: 8A7eTD_sGSHjoOKq4j9nd8HLfmx6ihQhGdInBo3ZchM review: thoroughness: medium understanding: high rating: strong comment: |- Small simple package, easy to understand, doesn't contain any unsafe/malicious code. All the translations applied are O(n). Does what it says, has tests and I couldn't find a way to break it. ----- SIGN CREV PROOF ----- nvhKLlLdlRNV-w5tDB5yDdVuVqTUfvhX8NUepChIDp3nHUWxYk6KqdxGk-TUFXdd9m222VulNi5yIeCxuvlzDA ----- END CREV PROOF -----